Bert and Paddy

Bert and Paddy – Oil on Canvas Board

Paddy – Oil on Canvas Board

this group of paintings were the final pieces I had to submit for my Pet Portraiture Diploma.  A big thanks you to Mary Gray for the loan of her fantastic photos.  You be pleased to know I passed with Distinctions.


Bert – Soft Pastel on Velour Paper


Fluffy – Coloured Pencil and Gouache

This is my cat Fluffy – affectionately known as ‘Her Majesty’.  she was painted with a mixture of coloursoft pencils and various mixed coloured gouache on tinted pastel board.

Jack and James

Jack and James – Graphite on Bristol Board Paper

These cheeky chaps are my sons.

Rose Bud

Rose Buds – Oil on Board

When I am not painting and drawing our furry friends I enjoy painting flora and fauna.


Barney – Coloured Pencil on white Cartridge Paper

Barney holds a special place in my heart and is still one of my favourite pictures.  He has pride of place on my business cards.  A reminder of days gone by when my children were small and played ball with him in a friends garden.


Fluffy – Graphite on Bristol Board Paper

My cat Fluffy in the ‘Her Majesty’ pose.

Cleo and Jay

Cleo and Jay – Oil on Canvas Board

This painting almost never happened.  It was painted as a gift for a special landmark birthday.  Unfortunately Cleo, on the left, passed away a few days after the photographs for this picture were taken.  RIP old girl.


Orchids – Oil on Board

A study of the orchids growing in my dining room.

Nic the Chick

Nic the Chick – Graphite on Bristol Board Paper

This little lady is one of the chickens that wander around the ground of the Five Bells at Stanbridge.  Definitely ‘Free Range’



Swan – Oil on Board

Another one of my husband’s photos was the inspiration for this piece.